5 Online Money Making Strategies

Everyone wants to start earning online and change their life, so today I will share the best ways to make money online. I want to change the way you think I want you to be successful this will change your life.

    5 Strategies/Methods/Ways Of Online Earning:

    Let's make things simple and start with the 5 main strategies/methods/ways whatever you want, these 5 things that anyone can be successful online.

    1. Affiliate Marketing
    2. Freelancing
    3. Content Creation
    4. SAAS Service
    5. Online Store

    These are the 5 main methods that anyone who wants to be successful online and work online and build a real business online.

    I'm not talking about wasting your time on websites to earn like a couple of cents or maybe $1 per week. I'm talking here about real business, that changes your life and you can be able to earn passive income. So let's explain each method.

    Affiliate Marketing:

    It's simply promoting a product or a service for someone else, for a company and you earn a commission. The best thing about affiliate marketing is you can start without money, without content, without websites, and without anything, you can start from scratch now without any requirement.


    You can make the first couple of hundreds of dollars without anything

    I explained this in detail here, how to start online earning without investment.


    Simply freelancing is providing your skills and services for anyone who wants it e.g. if you are a graphic designer you can design logos, banners whatever you want.


    If you are a programmer you can develop applications or whatever you are. You can start providing your skill online on different freelancing sites like Freelancer, Upwork, PeoplePerHour, Fiverr anything else or maybe publish your own service's website.

    Content Creation Services:

    It's one of the best methods, it requires some hard work but it's the center of online marketing if you have content you can grow any online business. You can promote your skills and services, you can promote your affiliate products you can promote anything you want.


    You can create content like blog posts, YouTube channel maybe free courses, Ebooks. Any content you can create to build your brand and start promoting your products or maybe just monetizing with ads and start making money online with Google AdSense or other ad networks.

    SAAS Services:

    SAAS service is an online service provider like bit.ly provides a free service to people to help them to convert long URL to short URL. You can make money with saas service by ads monetizing or promoting affiliate links and building your brand and being popular online and getting more leads and more subscribers so you can promote anything.


    Also, a SAAS service can be paid like the shortening service bit.ly so you publish a service online and you can go with a recurring monthly payment, just imagine you have only like 200 customers paying you $10 per month. You are making $2,000 passively without doing anything.

    Online Store:

    It is also a great way to earn passive income e.g. if you are an expert in graphic design, digital marketing, programming, or whatever you are you start to sell your course by making video tutorials or eBooks on udemy, skillshare, and other platforms.

    If you have your product you can sell your product worldwide or in your country by Amazon FBA. You can also do dropshipping, where you buy products from Alibaba or other places and sell.

    It's time to make a decision. This decision will change your life and please don't excuse, I don't have money or I don't have a super laptop or whatever. To start working online to change your life you don't need money, you don't even need a laptop.

    You can start online earning by using mobile and there are thousands of videos available on Youtube just search and see. I also write an article about how to earn money online blog.

    Lastly don't think small think big!

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