How to Earn Money Online With Blog

I want to share with you step by step how to make money online with a blog of around $100/month from google. This method is 100% guaranteed if you follow and do what I will tell, you can reach at least $10/day.

    I will share everything with you, the tools the secrets so you can be successful with this strategy also.

    I'm so excited to share with you and I think may help a lot of you to change your lives and to start making money online home, the idea is simply building a blog or a small website monetize it by getting traffic.

    What's nice here is you don't need to sell anything you can work from any country you don't need a PayPal account you can get your money in your bank account directly in any country also you can even work from your mobile phone only. 

    I think is one of the best and it's almost 100% guaranteed for anyone. Don't leave it. I must share with you a lot of details tricks and tools that will help you make things easy and start this business today.

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    I will share with you a small tip or trick that will help you make $100/month so please stay tuned and focus well, so the first step in this strategy is to create a website and to be more specific to create a blog and publish some articles on it.

    Now you tell me I don't know programming or development I don't know how to create websites or blogs and so on. Just some patience, I will share everything in detail.

    Related topic: How to Become a Successful Affiliate Marketer

    As a beginner, I share with you a great platform where you can build a free blog without paying any money which is

    What Is Blogger?

    It is the best platform by google where you create your blog. The best thing for this platform is the hosting provided by google and also the free domain provided by google and also the google adsense accept domain so you can easily monetize your blog site and start earning.

    Now you publish some articles and here please focus very well because I will mention some really important tips and tricks that you have to know to be successful with this strategy, so your plan now is to publish articles on the blog.

    How to Choose Best Topic or Niche?

    The main question here is how to choose best topic or niche, which topics we write about on my blog, simple answer writes about something you love or interested e.g. you interested or love to write a blog on tech or whatever, write about on that topic.

    So the topic you choose for your blog is very important when it comes to making money from google adsense or google so just keep in mind this tip that "the articles or the topics you write about are very important and have a direct effect on your earnings".

    Just keep in mind that the topics you choose for your articles will affect your earnings directly but again I tell you to do what you love it's better than doing something that you don't love.

    Now the niche or topic you love has a high CPC. For example, you select a niche related to tech on a keyword planner, so in the CPC column, you can see a rate shown on the niche.

    For whatever topics you want, start searching and checking the CPC and whenever the CPC is higher your earnings will be higher, so just keep in mind this important point and do keyword research for free with a keyword planner or other trusted tools.

    In a broad or a big topic, we have a lot of child topics inside it you have to go with something called micro niche or micro topic to choose a specific topic and talk about.

    Related topic: 5 Online Money Making Strategies

    How to Make More Money?

    If you want to make more money with google or from google adsense simply work on micro-niche blogs e.g. you want to create a blog about email marketing so your blog will talk about only email marketing.

    So when you start a blog just focus on publishing content about specific topics related and connected. In this way, your blog will get more visitors automatically from google since it's talking about a specific topic.

    Recommendation: you need to publish at least 10 to 15 articles in the first 30 days so you can get accepted by google to publish ads on your website.


    Your blog is ready and you are publishing content related to your topic, now how to get the audience? You can get traffic from google by two methods,

    • Free method
    • Paid method

    Free Method: The free method is the SEO through which you get an audience by keyword research, backlinks, on-page seo, and off-page seo.

    Paid Method: The paid method to get traffic is google ads where you pay google to get traffic to your blog and you can earn money.

    I also write about how to get traffic to your website by forums and Q/A site click here.

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