How to Become a Successful Affiliate Marketer

You want to know how to become a successful affiliate marketer, you have just landed in the exact right place. I will share with you a real experience of more than four years of experience working in online affiliate marketing.

    I will simply compress and give it to you totally for free, this is the ultimate guide to be successful in affiliate marketing.

    Affiliate Marketing?

    Just for beginners, affiliate marketing is simply to promote any product or service whenever someone buys the product or takes action towards the product you will earn money.

    affiliate marketing

    For example, you pick a product from amazon and you send this link to someone and when that person buys the product through my link I get paid I get a commission.

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    What are the Main Affiliate Marketing Steps?

    We have four main steps.

    1. Pick a product you want to promote a product so you want to select a product or a service to promote.
    2. Set up your affiliate marketing system for example maybe building some web pages landing pages some content depending on the product.
    3. Run the campaign and promote the product.
    4. Track your performance analyze and optimize

    Now in affiliate marketing, you have to know something very important, we have mainly two methods or two models to earn commissions or to earn money.

    In the first method, we promote a product and whenever someone buys the product you will earn a commission. In this method, we earn commission per sale.

    In the second method, you just need to take simple action like whenever someone submitting his email or submitting his zip code or submitting his phone number so if he does this you will earn money. You also earn by per sign up or per action, we call it CPA so we have two different methods, the CPA model, and the commission model.

    I hope you identify what you want to promote as a beginner it will be easier for you to promote something.

    Types of Products:

    We have mainly four types of products or things you can promote in affiliate marketing.

    1. Digital products you can promote and sell online any digital product like online courses like ebooks designs and so on.
    2. Physical products e.g. promoting amazon products like electronics whatever you want.
    3. CPA, like submitting an email, submitting a zip code, submitting a phone number, and filling a form, these types of products are not real products they are forms that people will fill and you will earn when whenever someone completes the form.
    4. Online services, it is different than a digital product e.g. 
    • Canva, which is an online tool or online service that helps people to create designs.  
    • Semrush, which is also an online tool that helps people to rank better on search engines.

    So we have four types of digital products, physical products, online services, and form submits.

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    How to Pick a Product or Where to Find a Product?

    How to pick a product mainly we have two strategies "content research" or "ad spy based".

    How to Pick a Product or Where to Find a Product?

    1. content research is to find the products related to your niche or topics so if you have a website about digital marketing you go and find products, if your website is about health and fitness you go and find products related to health and fitness.
    2. ad spy products, where you can spy and see what campaigns are running what people are promoting so you can get an idea of successful products and you just need to copy and declare the campaigns.

    How to Promote Affiliate Products?

    Now we reach the core part of affiliate marketing which is promoting the product I think the first part is picking a product easier we select a product now we have the link to promote but how to promote where to promote how to get conversions?

    We have two main strategies one is the content-based strategy and the second is direct marketing. In content-based, you can promote products through your content or maybe through video content on youtube or other video platforms.

    In direct marketing, you promote your product by creating a landing page of the product, run a campaign and promote the landing page directly without content or tutorials or videos, or real content.

    Set up Affiliate Marketing System:

    Lastly setting up the affiliate marketing system which is step two why I skipped this simply because this depends on the product e.g. the system is about writing an article about canva so I write an article and promote it by organic traffic free traffic or by running a paid ad.

    Set up Affiliate Marketing System

    Now you have a full road map, everything must be now inside your brain. The most important factor is to take action or if you don't have a website create a website or blog.

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