How To Start Online Earning Without Investment

You don't have any online skills, no budget with zero dollars, you have no websites and you want to start your online business today. In this article I will show you how to start online earning without investment you don't need a website you don't need any budget you don't need any online skills.

    I will share the best strategy to make money online even from the first month or more than that even from the first week.

    Related topic: How to Earn Money Online With Blog

    Simply whenever you want to make money online or even offline the general strategy is selling a product, so that's simple we have a product and we have an audience that loves to buy this product so you sell them this product.

    Now you may tell me we have the main problem here that I don't have a product to sell and I don't have an audience because I don't have any website no youtube channels I didn't work online before. I want to start today

    In this article, I will share how to get a selling page and how to get an audience and get traffic to this product so you can sell this product. You will earn like $100 or$ 200 or maybe up to $500 from the first one or two months

    As a beginner, you don't have anything so from where you can get a product to sell simply the best choice is to go with affiliate marketing.

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    What Is Affiliate Marketing?

    It's about five words-Promoting products for someone else. Affiliate marketing is to market products that you don't own. It's for someone else and you will get paid when an action is done on the product or in other words, affiliate marketing simply is promoting products and earning money when an action happens on the product, like selling, or signing up, or whatever.

    How to Start Affiliate Marketing?

    Affiliate marketing goes mainly in three steps.

    • Go to the trusted affiliate programing website and join their program or creating an account, I also give a list of affiliate program websites.
    • Choose a product you want to promote, there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of products that you can promote as an affiliate marketer.
    • You just need to pick one, or two, or maybe 10, and start promoting.

    List of Affiliate Programs:

    Here are some affiliate marketing programs so you can join their programs.

    1. CJ (commission junction)
    2. DCM Network
    3. Warriorplus
    4. Clickbank
    5. Impact Affiliate
    6. ShareASale
    7. digistore24
    8. GetResponse
    9. Hostinger
    10. Bluehost

    Also, there are more affiliate programs, so you can search them on google.


    As a beginner I recommend you to join warrior plus or digistore24, the reason behind the recommendation is they have a sales page and you don’t need any website or any youtube channel. The sales page is ready for you.

    You just want to copy the sales page affiliate link from your account and promote it. But if you have a budget you can start by creating a website or youtube channel.

    How to Promote Affiliate Products?

    We need at least to get maybe 5,000 or 10,000 visitors per month to our sales page so we can get some conversions. since you have no websites you don't have any youtube channel no audience no email list you have nothing.

    The easiest path to get traffic is simply two places forums and Q/A sites, please concentrate well on this spot this is the main part of your work. For the promotion of a product or service, you need to work like 30 minutes or one hour per day promoting this service or this product.

    Now for forums and Q/A sites, the first is “Quora” which is one of the largest Q/A platforms. They have millions of visitors here who can buy things online easily so it's a very important place to start with to promote your product.

    The second is “Reddit” it is also a similar web and there are billions of traffics coming out mostly from the U.S and the ranking of Reddit is 11. If you want to promote a service or product this place is best for you.

    But before you know that you destroy everything if you spamming, just give one hour a day or maybe even 30 minutes a day without spamming and you will see results from the first week.

    How to Work on Quora?

    You are going to do simply answering quora questions related to the product as an example you will search about how to grow a youtube channel for this keyword you will find a lot of questions about this topic you can simply go and answer these questions as I told you don't spam just give real value.

    Now you tell me I don't know anything about this topic I love it but I don't know anything simply copy this question and paste it google and just search and read about this question and rephrase it and then post your answer again just give some value and then you can mention your links.

    Now as a best practice on quora don't mention your links in each answer so each day you are going to answer five to ten questions and you will mention your links in only one or two questions so as not to get banned or not to be classified as a spammer.

    How to Work on Reddit?

    Here in reddit you first create an account and promote your service or products but not spamming. Join your topic-related communities and start posting your affiliate products or service. Give one hour or 30 mins that’s it.

    If you don't want to go with companies like Cj affiliate, warrior plus, Clickbank, or digistore24 you can go with direct affiliate products like as an example getresponse an email marketing company whenever someone sign-up on getting response using your link to a paid plan you will get $100 one-time payment or you can get a recurring commission every month 33% for each sale this is perfect so also you can go with these affiliate programs.

    Also, you can go with this affiliate program and go to quora and answer questions about email marketing or even you can go to an email marketing space go here and search for an email marketing and do a comparison between getresponse and Mailchimp, and then you can mention the getresponse offers inside your post in quora or on reddit so this is how things work to get a product to promote it with quora and reddit.

    If you do this correctly you will see results from the first week and from the first week you can get your first couple of sales and you can make at least one or two hundred dollars from the first month.

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